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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
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Masters of the OMI studio conducted a series of master classes for children with special needs

The masters of the OMI studio conducted a series of master classes for children with special needs. 20 specialized schools and boarding schools were identified in the Kyiv region, in which masters of the association taught children the technique of drawing on water. This type of technique was not chosen by the masters by chance; it belongs to the types of art therapy.

master classes for children with special needs

“One of the goals of the existence of the organization “Association of Arts Masters of Ukraine” is precisely to identify and help young talents to realize their potential. In my opinion, there are many talented children among children with special needs: taking one thing away from them, God gives another. Even if in the future these children do not need the knowledge that we gave them, they, and we together with them, still received a lot of positive emotions. This is where the effect of art therapy is manifested,” emphasized Bogdan Kazachenko, art director of the OMI studio.

master classes for children with special needs

It should be noted that the water for drawing is prepared in advance by adding certain components. Using brushes and an awl, drops of paint are applied to the surface of the water. Each subsequent layer of paint is applied to the previous one, not mixing with it, but pushing the first one to move. With an awl you can pull the drops in different directions, forming the desired image. Pupils from schools and boarding schools immersed themselves in the creative process with great pleasure.

master classes for children with special needs

“The uniqueness of this technique is that it is almost impossible to get absolutely identical drawings. Water is a substance that moves at any touch, so it requires careful handling. But even if you accidentally touch water, you can get very interesting solutions. There are no failed drawings in this technique. The most difficult thing was to teach the children to retake a picture drawn on water onto paper,” shared OMI studio master Alexandra Kovaleva.

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