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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
You can save a life

Models to order

A dummy is an exact life-size copy of something. When making a dummy, the master conveys all the subtleties of the original. Most often, dummies are ordered from the OMI company as a teaching aid: dummies of human body organs, skeleton, veterinary aid, plants, artificial fruits, dummies of food, dummies of dishes, dummies of products, dummies of meat, dummies of sausage, dummies of confectionery, dummies ice cream, fake fireplace, fake cakes, fake weapons, fake firewood, fake vegetables, fake fruit, fake quest rooms, composite auto parts. Plaster, silicone, polyurethane, plastic, metal, wood, etc. are used to make a dummy. The finished product is painted with paints to give it an original look.

Custom replicas< /p>

OMI studio is professionals who love their work, value clients and are responsible for the quality of their products. Recently, there has been a great demand for the production of dummies of video cameras. They are used in video surveillance systems in conjunction with real cameras. The dummies made by the masters of the OMI studio cannot be distinguished from the original, and they are much cheaper.

The masters of the OMI studio produce dummies in their own workshops. Therefore, production times are minimal. A well-developed transport infrastructure allows delivery to all points of the world. Prices are determined depending on the amount of material spent on making the dummy and the complexity of the work, but remain one of the lowest in Ukraine.



Making dummies.

Online gallery Work in the OMI studio Make order Public organization "OMI"

OMI studio news

The sculptor of the OMI studio wants to erect a monument to Kuzma on Khreshchatyk
The sculptor of the OMI studio Bogdan Tsyupa wants to create a monument to Kuzma Scriabin in Kyiv. Kuzma was Bogdan’s idol. After the death of the roc...
Order a cartoon figurine as a gift. Gift figurines cartoon based on photos.
An exclusive gift that is created personally for a person - a cartoon figurine based on a photo. The talented craftsmen of the OMI studio produce uniq...
The Citrus chain of stores became clients of the OMI studio
The fleeting summer months were marked by a number of the same express orders. Thus, one of the customers were employees of the Citrus chain of stores...
Making a bust for a tombstone
A bust on a grave is a separate category of headstones. It is the three-dimensional image of the deceased installed at the burial site that is the dis...
The masters of the OMI studio produced an interactive life-size puppet for the ToyDiCo company
The masters of the OMI studio professionally produce life-size puppets to order. Basically, life-size puppets are used to attract the attention of con...


Ukraine Dnipro Kyiv Odesa Lviv
Email: [email protected]
Order and consultation by phone.

  (067) 302 45 91    (096) 478 19 89 
  (063) 656 24 95    (099) 965 60 17