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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
You can save a life

Making monuments

Historical events, cultural and sporting achievements, or simply a significant contribution to society – These are the achievements that can be immortalized by creating a monument. Artistic visualization of cultural, historical and other important events – These are the areas in which the sculptors of the OMI studio have been working for many years. 

The production of custom-made monuments can be divided into several categories. Production of historical monuments – are created to preserve important historical events in the memory of society. In this case, it could be a sculpture of a famous historical figure, an obelisk dedicated to a specific event, a monument or memorial. The production of cultural monuments is aimed at reflecting achievements in musical, artistic, literary and other areas of art. It is also possible to produce monuments of famous cultural figures, abstract sculptural compositions or art objects. Monuments in honor of sporting successes – Of course, this direction has its niche in the fine arts. The sporting achievements and records of outstanding athletes are displayed here – these can be sculptures, memorials, sculptural compositions, and art objects. Monuments reflecting important modern events for society – Today this direction is in an active phase of development. For example, monuments and memorials in honor of fallen soldiers in the ATO or Euromaidan activists. 
A separate direction – production of monuments for tombstones. These sculptures reflect the personality of a person who has passed on to another world. This could be his sculpture or bust, or it could be a memorial complex reflecting his life interests or activities. In the manufacture of tombstones, you can implement any idea that will be a valuable contribution to the memory of a person.

Production of custom-made monuments by sculptors of the OMI studio - this is an ideal option for transparent cooperation. Our team of craftsmen approaches each order with special attention, selecting the most suitable materials – these can be granite monuments, sandstone monuments, marble monuments, bronze monuments, polyester resin monuments. Each product of the OMI company produces individually, starting from the creation of the idea and design of the future product, ending with its delivery and installation. Moreover, studio "OMI" offers favorable terms of cooperation to both private customers and representatives of different levels of government, which is why our company’s products decorate public gardens and parks in different cities of Ukraine. 

Making sculptures

Making sculptures
Gypsum sculptures
Gypsum products
Art casting
Elite monuments
Gypsum columns
Making balusters
Art modeling
Gypsum stucco
Making of figurines
Bronze sculpture
Decorative sculptures
Sandstone sculptures
Marble sculptures
Wooden sculptures
Granite products
Marble products
Granite sculptures
Gypsum figures
Granite figures
Bronze figures
Marble figures
Exclusive monuments
Cast iron
Forged sculptures
Animal sculptures
Animal statues
Monuments for the grave
Polygonal sculptures
Ritual sculpture
Topiary sculptures
Statues in the cemetery
Sculptures of angels
Gardening planters
Concrete sculptures
Monumental sculptures
Easel sculptures
Facade stucco
Wood carving
Garden and park sculptures
Plastic sculptures
Restoration of sculptures
Memorial plaque

Manufacturing of monuments.Manufacturing of monuments to order.

Online gallery Work in the OMI studio Make order Public organization "OMI"

OMI studio news

Girl on a pole, custom gift and souvenir figurines
"Girl on a Pole" is a figurine that was made in the OMI studio as an explosive gift. It’s easy to guess that this is a surprise intended for a girl wh...
Production of three-dimensional advertising figures from fiberglass and foam.
Do you want your business to attract attention and remain in the memory of your audience? Then you need voluminous advertising that will set your comp...
Cartoon figurines based on photographs to order
Agree, the further you go, the more difficult it is to choose gifts. It’s already commonplace to give books, watches or gadgets, especially to people...
Making memorial busts. Studio "OMI" made a bust of a famous Ukrainian politician
Sculptural portraits are still popular as an art form to this day, so the masters of the OMI studio regularly carry out orders for the production of v...
The masters of the OMI studio acted as the developers of the sketch of the mural - a project of the competition "Public Budget 2019"
The masters of the OMI studio, commissioned by the Strizhakov Municipal Bureau, took part in the development of a sketch of a large-scale image to be...


Ukraine Dnipro Kyiv Odesa Lviv
Email: [email protected]
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  (067) 302 45 91    (096) 478 19 89 
  (063) 656 24 95    (099) 965 60 17