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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
You can save a life

Escape room

Escape room. The masters of the OMI studio professionally engage in equipment, manufacturing of mechanisms and game elements for quest rooms according to ready-made scenarios.

Our own closed-cycle workshops, a wide range of activities and the qualifications of specialists from the association of craftsmen "OMI" allow us to guarantee our customers turnkey work: design of room surfaces, including thematic wall painting, creation of decorations and scenes, creating props, models, developing elements and assembling mechanisms from any materials.

The corporate policy of our company, in addition to the mandatory regular training of craftsmen, is aimed at developing teamwork and mutual assistance, which allows us to guarantee compliance with order deadlines.

A long stay on the Ukrainian market and working with customers from other countries allowed us, first of all, to study foreign experience, and secondly, to contact responsible suppliers of materials and earn money from they have an excellent reputation, participate in the bonus system. We also monitor the development of the materials market. All of the above are important facts when drawing up estimates and the project implementation process.

The price of a turnkey quest room is determined based on the type of finishing work, the size of the room, the cost of the materials used, the complexity of making props, decorations and mechanisms. We are distinguished by a flexible pricing policy when drawing up estimates for equipment and refurbishment of quest rooms.

The official representative offices of the association of masters "OMI" are located in Kyiv, Dnieper and Odessa, but the geography of the order does not matter much to us - we work on-site.


Custom escape room. Quest rooms making decorations in Ukraine

Online gallery Work in the OMI studio Make order Public organization "OMI"

OMI studio news

Order New Year and Christmas photo zones from the OMI studio
There is very little time left before the Christmas and New Year holidays, so it’s time to start preparing for this wonderful event. To make the prepa...
Masters of the OMI studio: gilding in the interior
Gold has always served as an attribute of luxury and refined taste. The desire to decorate oneself to this day is inherent not only in women, but also...
Innovative outdoor furniture made of plastic for your comfort.
The OMI studio presents innovative solutions in the field of outdoor furniture, creating comfortable and stylish spaces for relaxation. They specializ...
Rescuers of the State Emergency Service: the best gift is an individual one, especially if it is made by OMI craftsmen
The craftsmen of the OMI studio, commissioned by the paramilitary mine rescue team of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, produced a gift figurine...
Order a cartoon figurine as a gift. Gift figurines cartoon based on photos.
An exclusive gift that is created personally for a person - a cartoon figurine based on a photo. The talented craftsmen of the OMI studio produce uniq...


Ukraine Dnipro Kyiv Odesa Lviv
Email: [email protected]
Order and consultation by phone.

  (067) 302 45 91    (096) 478 19 89 
  (063) 656 24 95    (099) 965 60 17