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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
You can save a life

Ritual sculpture

Ritual sculpture – a special type of monumental art, its purpose is contained in the name itself.  A ritual sculpture is ordered when they want to show the enormous significance of the deceased for those close to him and the people around him during his lifetime.

Masters of the studio "OMI" have been honing the craft of making sculptures for a long time, and today we can say with confidence that we are one of the five leaders in the production of ritual sculptures in Ukraine. In addition, our masters master techniques that no one else in Ukraine uses except us.

Ritual sculptures

In the archive of works by masters of the OMI studio  more than a dozen works, including: ritual sculpture made of marble, ritual sculpture made of concrete, ritual sculpture made of plaster, ritual sculpture made of sandstone, ritual sculptures made of plaster, ritual sculpture made of plastic. We also produce sculptural ritual complexes.

Studio "OMI" offers to buy the ritual sculpture presented in the catalogue.  We also produce exclusive monuments to order. The price of an exclusive ritual sculpture is determined based on the selected material, volume and complexity of the work. If necessary, the services of the designer, the cost of delivery and installation of the monument are paid separately.

Ritual sculptures

The tombstone can be very diverse: a ritual bust of the deceased, a full-length sculpture, a ritual sculpture of an angel, an image of a mourning woman, a ritual sculpture of the Virgin Mary, as well as an image corresponding to the profession of the deceased.

The production of ritual sculptures is located in Kyiv, we accept orders from all over Ukraine, the CIS countries and Europe.

Making sculptures

Making sculptures
Gypsum sculptures
Gypsum products
Art casting
Elite monuments
Gypsum columns
Making balusters
Art modeling
Gypsum stucco
Making of figurines
Bronze sculpture
Decorative sculptures
Sandstone sculptures
Marble sculptures
Wooden sculptures
Granite products
Marble products
Granite sculptures
Gypsum figures
Granite figures
Bronze figures
Marble figures
Exclusive monuments
Cast iron
Forged sculptures
Animal sculptures
Animal statues
Monuments for the grave
Polygonal sculptures
Ritual sculpture
Topiary sculptures
Statues in the cemetery
Sculptures of angels
Sadovo ParkNew flowerpots
Concrete sculptures
Monumental sculptures
Easel sculptures
Facade stucco
Wood carving
Garden and park sculptures
Plastic sculptures
Restoration of sculptures
Memorial plaque

Custom ritual sculptures. Making ritual sculptures in Ukraine

Online gallery Work in the OMI studio Make order Public organization "OMI"

OMI studio news

OMI Studio Installed a Unique Monument on the Grave of a Fallen Soldier
OMI Studio continues to create unique monuments and sculptural memorials that are not only works of art but also symbols of deep memory of heroes. Thi...
OMI studio craftsmen made a huge cup for the Epicenter supermarket
In the second half of November 2015, the masters of the OMI studio fulfilled an order from the Epicenter-K company: a huge flowerpot in the shape of a...
The masters of the OMI studio created the Eldorado robot figure
In October 2015, on the eve of the opening of the new Eldorado equipment supermarket in Kiev, the masters of the OMI studio completed the plastic embo...
Studio "OMI" produces metal products to order
Artificial and synthetic materials are no longer of interest to modern man; he strives for everything natural and natural. This trend explains the ren...
Memorial plaque to the director of the cult film “Chasing Two Hares”
Ordered by the film studio named after. A. Dovzhenko  masters of the OMI studio created a memorial plaque to the outstanding Ukrainian director Viktor...


Ukraine Dnipro Kyiv Odesa Lviv
Email: [email protected]
Order and consultation by phone.

  (067) 302 45 91    (096) 478 19 89 
  (063) 656 24 95    (099) 965 60 17