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Studio of United Art Masters of Ukraine
Country: Ukraine
Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv
Email: [email protected]
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Monumental mural painting

Monumental painting is a type of artistic monumental art - street art, art painting on architectural structures and stationary foundations. Increasingly, in Internet news there are articles about artistic painting of walls - street art, murals: the largest, brightest, most miniature paintings, landscapes, street motifs, an ancient courtyard and much more. Artistic wall painting has become fashionable today. But, speaking about the results, very little attention is paid to the process of creating artistic painting, the nuances of preparing walls and, in general, why this is needed.

Artistic painting of street art walls, murals – This is one of the stylish options for restoration or surface finishing. Any artistic painting is preceded by high-quality surface preparation: cleaning, priming, putty, leveling the surface, and again a special primer. A professional master artist from the OMI studio cannot allow the created work of artistic wall art, street art, or simply a mural, to crack or “peele” somewhere after a short time. It’s like an artist - he wants the work he created to be admired by generations: to paint a picture, he takes only high-quality canvas and high-quality paints.

Art monumental wall painting murals

Artistic monumental painting, street art, mural, - artistic, large-scale drawing on the entire facade or end of a house, compositionally related to architecture, are becoming especially popular today. Masters of the studio "OMI" are not limited to artistic painting of one- and two-story houses. We have all the capabilities and experience in artistic painting of temples, 3, 4 and 5-story buildings. Monumental art painting, street art, mural, is a long, complex and multi-stage process. The most important thing here is to define the concept. The artistic painting should fit organically into the surrounding space. The artist evaluates not only the surface itself that needs to be painted, but also the historical significance of the area, the features of buildings, green spaces and much more. After this, a project is created – visualization of the surface in the surrounding space, which is approved by the customer. In parallel, work is underway to prepare the surface. Then the sketch of the drawing is transferred to the surface while maintaining the scale (for this you need to have not only artistic skill, but also knowledge of mathematics), and the shades of colors are painted. And only after this, the masters of the OMI studio begin the monumental painting of the mural walls.

Art monumental painting of walls murals

In our work we use only high-quality paints that are resistant to fading, mechanical and natural influences. The design is fixed to the surface with a special coating, which also prolongs the life of the painting. Having representative offices in 3 cities – Kyiv, Dnieper and Odessa and China, we are not limited to orders only from these regions, we work both with the countries of the former CIS and European countries.


Art monumental painting of walls, street art murals.

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OMI studio news

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Ukraine Dnipro Kyiv Odesa Lviv
Email: [email protected]
Order and consultation by phone.

  (067) 302 45 91    (096) 478 19 89 
  (063) 656 24 95    (099) 965 60 17