The masters of the OMI studio took part in the restoration work of exhibits at the Nanjing City Museum, located in Nanjing (People's Republic of China). The museum is filled with historical and cultural achievements, objects from excavations in Nanjing and demonstrates various stages of the development of China. Many of the museum's exhibits are more than 3-4 thousand years old.

For a month, a restorer from the OMI studio worked to restore copper utensils and household items found in what is now China. Over time, under the influence of light and air, the exhibits lost the original appearance in which they were found, and in order to preserve them for subsequent generations they needed urgent restoration work. The main difficulty of any restoration work is that it is necessary to work with fragile objects and not to worsen the condition of the exhibit through your actions.

“There are thousands of such antiques in the museum. And the museum’s task is to pass on the history of the Chinese people from generation to generation. I am proud that we are involved in preserving world history,” emphasized Tang Zhongyan, restorer of the OMI studio.