In the spring of 2015, representatives of the KLO gas station chain contacted the OMI studio: the company's management decided to expand the range of gas station services and open a market on the territory of the gas station.
Today, the presence of a store at a gas station will not surprise anyone. Having analyzed the supply and demand market, as well as the location (the gas station is located outside of Kiev, on the way to the holiday villages), the management of the KLO gas station decided to open an organic cuisine store in a country format - Villa market. In a short time, appropriate repairs were made to the premises and direct supplies from agricultural producers were established. The problem the company faced was finding bona fide manufacturers of high-quality advertising products.

“We accepted the order and set to work with great interest. The customer set the task of creating an image that evokes a strong association with healthy nutrition and agricultural products. As a result, the composition was chosen - a green and white cow grazing on a green lawn. Consumers subconsciously associate a cow with natural products and the countryside, the green color with freshness and herbs, and white with cleanliness, milk and eggs,” noted Sergei Nazarenko, master of the OMI studio.

When producing three-dimensional figures, specialists from the studio of the United Masters of Arts of Ukraine used automotive technology and a material that perfectly withstands natural influences - fiberglass. The accumulated experience and material and technical base made it possible to reduce the work completion time to 1 month.

Commenting on the issue of the complexity of the work, art director of the OMI studio Bogdan Kazachenko emphasized: “I believe that 50% of the success of any order consists of the ability to listen to the client , and of course, it largely depends on the professionalism of the craftsmen.”